DGT Star Ranking
Director General of Training (DGT) vide office memorandum has Conducted Grading Of Total ITIs 12, 352 across India in Phase-II as per “Framework and Methodology”. NTPC-MAITI, Barkagaon Private Industrial Training Institute(PR20000210) , Vill- Dhenga, PO+PS Barkagaon, Dist- Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. Get 3.04 out of 5 point and 7th Rank in Jharkhand out of 250 ITIs and 1st Rank in Hazaribagh District.
Click Here to download DGT Star Ranking Memorandum.
Placement in Foreign Country
Company: Jindal Saw Gulf L.L.C (UAE)
Name:Arun Raj
Job Position: Technical Trainee
Salary Package: 1800 UAE Dirham’s per month
Company: Jindal Saw Gulf L.L.C (UAE)
Name:Gopal Kr.Dangi
Job Position: Technical Trainee
Salary Package: 1800 UAE Dirham’s per month
Company: Jindal Saw Gulf L.L.C (UAE)
Name:Sumit Kumar
Job Position: Technical Trainee
Salary Package: 1800 UAE Dirham’s per month
Company: Jindal Saw Gulf L.L.C (UAE)
Name:Sandip Kumar
Job Position: Technical Trainee
Salary Package: 1800 UAE Dirham’s per month